Thinking of going home-based? How the host agencies stack up: a 4-part series

How do the Host Agencies Stack Up? Part 1: Commissions, Contracts & Consortium Affiliations


Commission Structure

Nexion has two programs for agents. For a monthly fee of $49, the agent’s share is 70% of all revenue. For $99 per month it is 80% of all the revenue earned.


Nexion has no contractual period. Members may opt out with 30 days notice. There is no non-compete.

Consortium Affiliations

Complimentary membership to


Commission Structure

“We are the only company in Canada that pays up to 100%,” says TTAND founder Flemming Friisdahl.

Suppliers are grouped into three categories: Preferred (85 – 100%), Approved (70 – 85%) and All others (65 – 80%). If in the middle of a year an agent moves from one level to another, they will be paid the new commission level split back to the start of the year. “So you never lose out,” says Friisdahl.

“Everything re-sets on Jan. 1. So let’s say you go from level 2 to level 3. You would get a kickback of 5% on all the gross commission you already collected and move up in the amount of commission split you would get.”

TTAND also pays a profit share. “So if 70% of your commission is on Preferred and Approved suppliers you will be paid if profit is achieved.”

TTAND also has a ‘Millionaire Program’. It starts counting an agent’s commission from the day they start with TTAND and never resets. “It just keeps adding up the gross commission you have received on Approved and Preferred suppliers until you hit each level. Rewarding you along the way.”


A one-year agreement. There is no non-compete if agents want to change agencies. “They are free to go any place they want after the one year.”

Consortium Affiliations

TTAND has an association with TRAVELSAVERS.

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