These adventurous cats probably travel more than you do
Credit: @the.traveling.cats, Instagram

These adventurous cats probably travel more than you do

TOKYO — Cats are known for their independent streak, which often affords them the luxury of staying home alone or venturing on walks by themselves. But two gutsy felines have taken their independence up a notch by becoming a fearless travelling duo in the Far East.

Daikichi and Fuku-Chan, two rescue cats in Japan, have become the latest Internet sensation for their incredible love of travel. As the travelling companions of their human, Daisuke Nagasawa, the faithful felines have visited all of Japan’s 47 prefectures over the course of eight years.

The idea to take his cats along on his travels came to Nagasawa in 2011, when he first started travelling for work. He missed them so much (and vice versa) that he vowed to start bringing them along as his trusty sidekicks.

Since then, the wanderlust trio has gained a huge following on Instagram, where Nagasawa documents their travels with adorable snaps. Daikichi and Fuku-Chan can be seen posing in front of cherry blossoms, visiting Mt. Fuji, being lugged around in backpacks, checking out waterfalls and seeing the sights in baby strollers.

We can’t wait to see where their travels take them next!


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???????? Fuku-chan says, “I wanna catch the pair of fish on the roof ????” We call the golden fish on the roof of Nagoya Castle “Shachihoko,” a pair of fabulous fish traditionally used to decorate the roof‐ridge????. ???????????????? ???????? ???? ???? ????????????「お城の屋根にいるお魚たち、捕まえたいでちゅ????」名古屋城でお花見中の旅にゃんこ一家でございます???????? ????????????♥ ???? #AdventureCats #adventurecat #cherryblossom #travellingcats #castle #travellingcat #travelingcat #travelingcats #rescuecat #treponti #petlover #cats #cutepets #cat #naturelover #catlovers #名古屋城 #名古屋城の桜 #保護ネコ #旅猫 #お花見 #猫と桜 #桜 #桜と猫 #城と桜 #猫 #旅にゃんこ #茶トラ

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????????????????【The Longest Suspension Bridge in the World】????We took Daikichi and Fuku-chan for a walk in the stroller, wrapped in a comforter not to catch a cold ????️ The backdrop is Akashi Kaikyō Bridge known as Pearl Bridge that crosses the Akashi Strait linking Kobe City on Honshu Island and Awaji City on Awaji Island. ????️With 1,991 meters or 6,523 feet of unsupported span, it’s the longest suspension bridge or unsupported span on a bridge in the Earth. ???????????? ????????????????????♥ ???????? ???? ????????【世界最長の吊り橋〜明石海峡大橋】だいきちとふくちゃんは、寒さ対策で掛け布団にくるまれてバギーでぬくぬくお散歩です????????️ 背景にあるのは、神戸市と淡路市を結ぶ明石海峡大橋、通称パールブリッジ????????????️支柱間1,991メートルの世界最長の吊橋なのです???????????? ???? ???? #吊橋 #明石海峡大橋 #旅猫 #旅にゃんこ #ねこ #猫 #保護猫 #猫好きさんと繋がりたい #catsofinstagram #travelingcats #travelingwithpets #travellingcat #bridgelovers #travelingcat #adventurecat #adventurecats #catlovers #cat #cats #cats_of_instagram #bestcatsclub #bestcataward #trendscat #pawsies_club #instacat_meows #catstagramcat #catasticworld #cat_delight #suspensionbridge #bridge

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????????️????This heavenly silver waterfall in the forest is called “Tatsuzawa Fudo Waterfall” in Fukushima Pref., known for those in the know.✳️❇️ It was so beautiful as the scenery appearing in the films of Studio Ghibli.????☘️???? In reality, I should’ve had an opportunity to visit there later.???? It’s too early to see golden red maple leaves and to feel more like the turn of the season on this spot. ???????????????????????????????????? ???????? ????????️ ???? ????????️福島県中ノ沢温泉エリアにある、スタジオジプリの世界を思わせるような、美しくも深いグリーン色をした森????????☘️????森深く進むと「わあ、ここは天国なんですか?????」と叫びたくなるような銀色の滝が出現しました????????『達沢不動滝』と名づけられた滝です????️もう少し遅い時期に訪問できていたら(今がまさにそのタイミングなのかもしれませんが)✳️????????金色の木漏れ日の中で、きらきら輝く紅葉の中を流れる滝バージョンを見ることができたかもしれません???????????????????? ♥ ???? #AdventureCats #adventurecat #travellingcat #travelingcat #travelingcats #rescuecat #treponti #petlover #cutepets #cat #catlover #waterfall #catlovers #fukushima #petoftheday #bestcat #kawaii #散歩猫 #旅猫 #中ノ沢温泉 #猫好きさんと繋がりたい #達沢不動滝 #猫旅 #旅猫リポート #はちわれ #キジシロ #にゃらん #猫 #旅にゃんこ #滝

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【????Aug.24,2014】????Memories of Green Flower Ranch ???? As mentioned in the previous post, Fuku-chan came here to see the horses and the other animals around three and a half years ago ???? ????Then she suddenly kissed one of them and we were too astonished to shoot the picture at the decisive moment???????????????????? [????2] ????Rabbit [????3&4] ????Mouflon????♥ * * 【????2014.08.24】前回の続きです????こちらが約3年半前に、同じく『ぐりーんふらわー牧場』へ来た時の写真です????ふくちゃんは、お馬さんとちゅー????したのですが、あまりに突然で撮影者がビックリしてしまい、瞬間のスクープは残念ながら逃してしまいました…????♥ちなみに、3枚めと4枚目の不思議な風貌の子は『ムフロン』というヒツジの仲間です???????? * * #adventurecat #travelingcat #catandhorse #instagramcats #catinstagram #travelingcats #cutepets #cat #catlovers #windmill #meow #petoftheday #bestcat #instagood #instacat #adventurecats #horseandcat #ぐりーんふらわー牧場 #散歩猫 #旅猫 #ねこ部 #ふわもこ部 #猫好き #ぬこ #猫 #旅にゃんこ #にゃらん #ねこ #にゃんすたぐらむ #ネコ

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????We took a stroll with Fuku-chan along Cape Tamina in Okinoerabu island, carrying Daikichi on Dad’s back ???????? ???? Slide ①????Walking near the cape Slide ②????Walking on the esplanade Slide ③????Drinking water ???? ????沖永良部島の名所『田皆岬』で、ふくちゃんとお散歩しました(✳背中にはだいきちを背負っています)???? ???? スライド①????岬付近を勇ましく歩く写真 スライド②????遊歩道を散歩する動画 スライド③????お水のみ休憩の動画 ???? #travelingcats #travelingcat #theDodo #AdventureCats #adventurecat #catlovers#cat#cats #tripmaximizer #okinoerabuisland #retrip_nippon #catstagram #retrip #treponti #猫 #ねこ #ねこ部 #にゃんこ #にゃんすたぐらむ #ネコ #田皆岬 #ふわもこ部 #茶トラ #にゃらん #猫動画 #みんねこ #旅にゃんこ #旅猫 #散歩猫 #沖永良部島

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