“If you want to get a job done, give it to the busiest person.” 

Three tips for greater productivity 

“If you want to get a job done, give it to the busiest person.”

I love that old saying. That busy person probably is on a roll, efficiently and accurately, crossing tasks off the list, done, done, done! Whereas the person who has one thing to do all day will likely take all day just to get it done. (We’ve all been there, haven’t we?)

Unfortunately, during much of the pandemic, too many of us spent months being “not very busy.” Over the past few months, our workload has been steadily increasing. 

So, just in case you could use a few refreshers on how to make the most of your time, here you go:

1. One thing every one of us has that’s exactly the same is hours in a day. No matter who you are, it’s still 24 hours. We all just use it differently. Think: what are your biggest time sucks? Researching a booking and disappearing down a rabbit hole? Jumping from task to task without completing anything? Grabbing your phone as soon as it rings, no matter how deeply you are concentrating on a task? Working with that client who asks a million questions and never books anything? (More on that topic next time!)

2. Time management is often as simple as self-discipline, such as….

  • Focus on one task until its completion – or as much as can be completed in the time you’ve set aside for that specific task – you’ll get a great sense of achievement. For an hour at a time, put your phone on airplane mode and hide your computer notifications. It’ll help you resist the urge to toggle back and forth between the task at hand and your email.
  • Speaking of email, if an email exchange is going back and forth, weaving a chain of frustration, pick up the phone. It’s always quicker. Oh, and make that call standing up. Not only is that good for your circulation, but it’s been proven to shorten calls – i.e. make us more efficient.
  • Try to get into a routine of tidying up your desk at the end of each workday. File away or discard what has been completed or you don’t need anymore. Create a priority pile for the work you’ll need first thing the next working day.
  • Make a fresh to-do list at the end of each day. Delete completed items, carry over incomplete or longer-term projects, and add any new tasks. Be sure to include due dates and set aside time first thing each day to work on those bigger projects. If you’re like me and still use paper for your to-do’s, try a notebook instead of sticky notes. Otherwise, you’ll end up with notes everywhere!
  • 3. Finally, is now the time to invest in your comfort? A proper, ergonomically correct chair is not a luxury. We spend too much time at our desks to play around with the health of our backs! A desk lamp can make a huge difference for your eyes and add a nice decorative touch at the same time. Some advisors find a white board is still a great way to track progress on inquiries, bookings, and projects. What else would make life at your desk more comfortable, and productive?

Hoping these help – I’m off to refresh my to-do list!

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