Moon Palace Cancun used an exorbitant amount of chocolate to build a village, and the results are awesome

Moon Palace Cancun used an exorbitant amount of chocolate to build a village, and the results are awesome

CANCUN — Is there such a thing as too much chocolate?

According to Moon Palace Cancun, the answer would be a resounding no! The resort has just unveiled its Chocolate Holiday Village, an edible masterpiece that used 1 ton of chocolate.

That’s right, 1 TON!


We added a little sweetness to your holiday this year. Yes, it is all chocolate. #ChristmasAtTheMoon #MoonPalaceCancun

Posted by Moon Palace Cancun on Tuesday, December 12, 2017

That amounts to over $10,000 worth of chocolate and over 4,500 hours of man-hours to complete. It literally took a village to create this village, which was done over the course of 12 weeks.

Details are both intricate and delicious, with chocolate fountains, carefully crafted chimneys with white chocolate tops, chocolate carved penguins and thousands of M&M resembling twinkling lights. The village even has a lit-up chocolate ferris wheel with Christmas lights, and a chocolate toy train that surrounds its perimeter.

The resort created a video that details the making of the village. Here’s a tip: the video is best viewed with a glass of milk!

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